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Barrier packaging: benefits, use and prerequisites

The ability of packaging to protect its contents is called a barrier. There are dozens of packaging solutions for all industries and all materials. Some are more environmentally friendly than others, while certain types are less durable. Aluminium barrier packaging has different properties from glass barrier packaging, for example. This is why Tournaire, specialist in industrial barrier packaging, recommends that you study the benefits of barrier packaging as well as the prerequisites for use.

Benefits of barrier packaging

Barrier packaging protects the contents from the outside environment and prevents any interactions. This means it protects its product from air, light, moisture and odours. To ensure the preservation of the contents, barrier packaging incorporates two preservative processes: heat treatment and a modified atmosphere for the food. In this way the barrier packaging retains the product’s heat and protects it from external thermal alterations to allow better preservation, while maintaining the interior atmosphere. In cooking, for example, an aluminium barrier can be used to keep food warm, and preservative liquids for fruits or vegetables can be kept in their packaging. This method of preserving the modified atmosphere is particularly useful in scientific and medical fields, in pharma barrier packaging to protect the medication from external aggressors or in chemical barrier packaging for the protection of the micro-organisms being studied.

How is barrier packaging used?

The benefit of barrier packaging is that food protection is guaranteed, provided that certain instructions are followed. To be effective, the barrier packaging must first be completely sealed. Secondly, the cover must not be damaged. Permeation of external gases, often caused by the alteration of the lid, is the main risk. Next, you must pack your product carefully, using gloves. This prevents micro-organisms from being deposited through contact with your fingers. These micro-organisms can be harmful to the product contained inside, particularly in the medical field. Finally, it is vital to use utmost precision in handling the contents.


Firstly, the product must be prepared for packaging following the instructions given above. Secondly, the product itself must be in a stable condition – the condition you wish to preserve it in. This way, with aluminium barrier packaging you can keep foods hot or cold to retain their flavour and texture. The same applies to liquid contents: they must be stable and at rest, without risk of chemical reactions during storage. Finally, the barrier packaging will be the protective layer in contact with the product, so before using it you need to plan the final outcome. If the product is to be sold, it will need secondary packaging to contain and protect it in addition to the primary packaging that is called barrier packaging. The purpose of this packaging is to facilitate the transportation, sale and use of the product. So it also has a marketing impact on your product.

If you would like more information about barrier packaging, don’t hesitate to contact us by emailing  or phoning 04 93 09 34 34.
